"A Life Of Ups And Downs Mostly Ups. As It Regards Navigating The Terrain Of Life In A White Supremacist And Ill-Gottenly/Fraudulently Gained Americana "
I will kindly send an email to customer service
department for the Right To Be/www.RightToBe.
org organization as it sadly regards what my
lovely and beautiful family and I and those
close to us and people in our community as
well as the surrounding communities have
sadly for far, far too often always been sadly
deliberately subjected to at every turn in various
ways within entire area/aspect of life in all 50
states and the District of Columbia. Especially
in the entire area/aspect of life within the entire
state of New Jersey. Which is only half of the story
of my life. I have had a beautiful and joyful and
magical and memorable life in every way now and
over the course of time. Which has mostly been the
case because lovely and beautiful inside and out family
and I and those close to us as well as people within our
community and the surrounding communities are Black/
African descent. Yes My family and I and those close to
us and people in our community and the surrounding
communities have always enjoyed a great life at every
turn in every way each and every day. In spite of how
we have sadly/unfortunately at every turn in various
ways been deliberately consistently mistreated because
of the color of skin. In name of/for White Supremacy
and Ill-Gottently/Fraudulently Gained White Privilege
Which is what this Racial Hierarchical Unjust as well as
Unequal and Inequitable System in all areas/aspects of
life in the entire United States Of America has built on.
As far as its foundation/blue print of this entire country.
In every way as far as majority of the people female
as male from various walks of life especially if they
are White. There has never ever been anything wrong
at all with the entire United States Of America now and
over the course of time. No the entire United States Of
America is fine as a country as a whole in every way
at every turn minus a lot of people from various walks
of life especially if they are White. Now and over the
course of time. With exception of my family and I and
those close to us and people in our community as well
as the surrounding communities alone concerned. With
exception of all of the representatives female, male from
all walks of life in the entire lovely www.RightToBe.org
organization alone are also concerned. Once again is
all due to the fact that we are lovely/beautiful people
who are Black/African descent. Something has to
finally freaking give! Enough has been more than
ENOUGH already damn it! Please kindly excuse my
language but I’m so damn fed up and disgusted and
disappointed and most of all hurt beyond words and
sadly so much more along those are concerned.