"Ex Takes Harassment To A Whole New Level"

I made the mistake of dating a co worker at my job. In the beginning of our relationship things were pretty good, I was treated fairly by management and was able to make an income. However, once we broke up, my ex made my life miserable, in fact so miserable I felt as if I had been raped. Right before he broke up with me I found out I was pregnant. Scared and upset I got into a disagreement with him one night and he decided to end things. To say I was brokenhearted doesn’t even begin to describe the pain I felt. Here I was now pregnant with no one to help me. My ex cut me out completely and then used his friendship with the management team to retaliate against me. My shifts were taken away and I was only able to pick up the extra shifts that my coworkers released. On top of that the managers would shaun me and refuse to let me have the lucrative contracts even if I was next in the rotation. I was denied any shift my ex worked or wanted cause he claimed he was uncomfortable working with me. And this was after he had screamed at me in front of the whole staff for not responding to his questions about the project. When I informed him I hadn’t received his email and even showed him I didn’t even get an simple apology. He just when to the managers and said he had to leave because he couldn’t take working with me. Afterwards, the managers denied every shift I requested til the point I ask to speak with my department manager about a possible transfer. When speaking with him he told me that we needed to part ways and to do my research on possible opened positions within the company. Finally, stated that he simply couldn’t help me transfer because he was busy. Now, I have been an employee for 8 years with this company, I have no write up or professions improvement plans, there literally nothing in my file but two yearly performance reviews where I got an 4.8 out of 5 and 4.9 out of 5. I felt I was basically fired without cause and decided to reach out to HR. Unfortunately that was a huge mistake, HR accused me of harassing my ex because of a rumor going around about me being pregnant. (I didn’t tell anyone because I really didn’t want people to know.) After about 30 minutes of HR interrogating and insinuating that I was causing problems, I finally broke down into tears. Admitting to them that yes in fact I was pregnant and I didn’t want anyone to know that’s why I didn’t tell people about it. HR then followed up with what if I told you I have received texts from your ex stating that you had a miscarriage? I was so shocked I can’t breathe. When I finally could form a word or two, I said that yes in fact I did have one and I didn’t want to talk about it. But that didn’t slow HR down, they continue to exploit my pregnancy with questions. How long ago did you miscarry? How many weeks were you? After a few moments I stopped answering questions. And that when HR informed me that I couldn’t transfer because of Reliability issues due to being late to work four times in 11 months ( no more than 25 minutes, which I did call to inform management) and I would have to stay in the same department. HR also formed me that they would be speaking with my co workers about spreading the rumor about me because it was making my ex uncomfortable. Even when I beg her not to because I was afraid that it would give the rumor validation for being believable instead of just sally gossip, she refused stating that she wouldn’t allow such a hostile work environment. Finally, she told me that I was responsible for this “work place drama” regarding the loss of my pregnancy and I need to work on not being so emotionally reactive when I hear gossip. Yes, that’s right she called my baby’s death “work place drama”. I have never felt so dehumanized, exploited, and desecrated in my life. I felt like I was the work place harlot being paraded around for everyone to see. Now I must return to this work environment, where everyone knows about my pregnancy and my ex has gotten not one but two promotions. And recently they made him a supervisor. I feel like I don’t have anyone to turn to and have been numb for the last week. I don’t even know if I’ll make it through tomorrow when I return.