"Black college student reports racist group chat"
The TikTok I’ve linked was made by user Kails, who explain her story in her own words. In her previous video you can see her confronting the group of white classmates who have a ground chat with a deeply racist name. The teacher of the course adds insult to injury by telling the Black student to just sit somewhere else, but Kails is using her voice to report the racism though official channels and through TikTok.
Media url: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFJBbK1F/
Media source: Tiktok
Media piece title: User Kails attends PWI and finds class mates racist group chat
Media piece description:
The TikTok I’ve linked was made by user Kails, who explain her story in her own words. In her previous video you can see her confronting the group of white classmates who have a ground chat with a deeply racist name. The teacher of the course adds insult to injury by telling the Black student to just sit somewhere else, but Kails is using her voice to report the racism though official channels and through TikTok.