"The narcissistic abuser"
I had someone who I had thought been a friend , we had known each other 10 years, well actually he knew me and I knew absolutely nothing real about him. He suckered me in by showing me love and support. Eventually we started dating a year after being with him I started finding out he was recording my everymove, video taping me without my knowledge, trying to make me think I was mentally ill, he isolated me from all my friends and family and drained my bank accounts while I was in and out of hospital and on bed rest due to health issues. He sucked me dry while i was down and he knew I was unable to check and find out what he was doing I had finally got a in home support person and she instantly seen what was going on and helped me get away from him physically. But now he is cyber stalking me and physically stalking and harassing me. He's very good with computers and I've had to keep changing numbers phones internet etc. It's only getting worse and I'm starting to get scared. I'm unsure what to do from this point